A dormant Alaskan volcano that has not erupted in 800 years appears to be showing signs of waking up. Alaskan authorities have detected activity under a once-dormant volcano that stands at an ...
Edgecumbe, a long dormant volcano in Alaska. The Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) discovered that magma has been moving upward through Earth’s crust beneath the volcano, which has been quiet in ...
Volcano 3: The 10-km wide caldera on Alaska’s Unmak Island formed during the 43 BCE Okmok II eruption. This massive eruption caused among the most extreme Northern Hemisphere weather conditions ...
Alaska officials are preparing to hold a lease sale for geothermal exploration rights at Augustine Volcano, a 4,133-foot peak that forms its own cone-shaped island in the southern part of Cook Inlet.
Photographed June 12, 2013. (Anne Raup / ADN) Alaska officials are preparing to hold a lease sale for geothermal exploration rights at Augustine Volcano, a 4,133-foot peak that forms its own cone ...