We have a dynamic and active research community. Long-term anthropological fieldwork is a key strength of our department. Most staff are involved in ongoing field research, in both well-established ...
You’ll do so with bespoke support from our faculty members. Our faculty’s research interests cover all the major theoretical spheres of modern social anthropology, and our expertise covers all regions ...
An experiential course including practical exercises, designed to provide students with knowledge and skills to conduct anthropological fieldwork in a local context using a range of ethnographic ...
Within the Anthropology department, there are two rounds of application deadlines for department-internal "GTR" funds; one in fall semester (typically, to support research over winter break) and one ...
The ‘emotional discomfort’ accompanies many researchers throughout their fieldwork. This work aims to set a dialogue between my ethnographic experience and the different approaches to the role of ...
The three/four year full-time (or part-time equivalent) PhD in Social Anthropology and Visual Media programme is intended for those who wish to incorporate the use of visual and/or audio media whilst ...
The MA in Social and Cultural Anthropology enables students to conduct research into a wide array of topics including gender, colonialism, media and technology, language, environmental politics and ...
Discover how anthropologists study cultural differences through fieldwork that engages with societies around the globe. Massey staff and students are currently researching in Asia, the Pacific, Europe ...