Researchers have developed nanoflower-coated bandages with antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties, capable of killing ...
In the face of rising concerns about antibiotic resistant infections, an international group of microbial experts have ...
Antibiotics are safe, effective and generally well-tolerated. Fatigue felt while taking them is likely the illness itself, ...
Complementary discoveries have the potential to enhance treatment options for antibiotic-resistant infections. Researchers at ...
A new ally is emerging in the increasingly urgent battle against superbugs – and you might have encountered it before at the ...
Oysters are constantly filtering bacteria from the water, so they are a good place to look for potential antibiotics.’ ...
The results were particularly promising for Staphylococcus aureus (golden staph), a major cause of drug-resistant skin and ...
Antibiotic resistance is a global public health crisis responsible for more than a million deaths annually. By 2050, the ...
Scientists develop self-propelling nanoparticles that can physically pierce and eliminate drug-resistant bacteria in eye infections, showing success in initial animal studies.
Researchers have discovered that proteins found in oyster blood have bacteria-killing properties and can boost the ...
The “microbial arms race” returns to viral phages to counter deadly infections.