Although all children develop at different rates, there's a standard milestone timeline that most babies follow. Baby milestones are the accomplishments or skills you can expect your child to ...
12-18 months: Should I lead or follow my baby? Professor Ben Ambridge investigates how letting baby lead what you talk to them about is best for their learning. 18 months - 2 years: What's the ...
There are some specific speech and language difficulties ... support can be provided where necessary. If your baby is born prematurely, their milestones will be assessed from their due date ...
To support normal speech and language development in your youngster: Talk to your baby and young child throughout the day, including during bath time, while changing diapers, and during meals.
A baby begins learning the basics of self-movement and begins to master the skills needed for hand-to-mouth coordination and holding objects. "Child-proofing" becomes important as babies get more ...