The Oscar-winning movie, nominated for 10 Academy Awards, follows two British soldiers (led by George MacKay) on a mission to deliver a message to call off an attack the Germans were prepared for.
Mark Beaumont meets the grandson of a WW1 soldier who rode for the Highland Cyclist Battalion and survived brutal combat on the front line.
The films centre round personal testimony ... videoE is for Empire Newsreel and commentary explain how the British Empire helped in WW1. An Indian soldier describes his brave actions in battle ...
In honour of today’s centenary anniversary marking the end of the first world war, here are xx movies set during that ... tragedy of the “Great” War. WWI Centenary: Here’s a look at ...
Set during World War I, the movie follows two British soldiers on a perilous mission to deliver an important message to the front line in avoid to call off a doomed offensive attack. 1917 is told ...
WWI historian Alexander Watson rates six First World War battle scenes from movies and TV shows for realism ... "Enduring The Great War," which explores how British and German soldiers coped ...
Morale and Collapse in the German and British Armies, 1914-1918 More from How Real Is It? World War I historian Alexander Watson rates six First World War battle scenes from movies and TV shows ...