The following evening, a slightly fatter crescent Moon will sit just above Venus. Equally beautiful! Be outside with a clear view to the northwestern sky after sunset, and you should be able to ...
February 1: The thin, four-day-old crescent moon will be just a few degrees from Venus, making a lovely pair. Look for them in the sky in the southwest after sunset. When you observe the moon, see if ...
If you face south-southwest about 45 minutes after sunset during mid-twilight you'll see a beautiful crescent moon. And floating about 3 degrees above it will be the dazzling Evening Star ...
Don Pettit is on a roll. Just days after sharing a breathtaking shot of Earth, the American astronaut has followed up with an equally stunning shot of a waning crescent moon, or, as Pettit put it: “a ...
Stargazers around the globe were treated to a stunning celestial scene on Friday as Venus appeared shining brightly above a crescent Moon. The planet was visible to the naked eye from the UK to the US ...