Gene transfer vectors provide investigators important research tools in studies ... An SOP for each procedure has been published on this site. Cloning Vectors: Cloning is an essential process in the ...
The company offers their RBC T&A cloning kit, in which vectors that contain inserts will also have two new restriction sites, so you can tell whether your DNA fragment has been incorporated.
The recombined DNA sequences can be placed into vectors that carry the DNA into a host cell. In this host cell, the customized recombined DNA sequence can be copied or translated.
Adenoviral vectors will transduce a wide range of target cells resulting in high-level gene expression. They are non-integrating vectors so expression ... Service can be initiated at the cloning stage ...
The ORF library clones are available in Gateway-based entry vectors and we also provide cloning service into various Gateway destination vectors for Biocenter Finland research groups. Each gene has ...