The studies - both published in Icarus - look at something astronomers already knew: that Eris and Makemake, the second and fourth largest dwarf planets in our solar system, contain a lot of methane.
Astronomers have detected mysterious X-ray signals coming from a nearby white dwarf star for more than 40 years. We may now ...
About 650 light-years from here, in the constellation Aquarius, lies the planetary nebula Caldwell 63, commonly known as the ...
Together, dwarf planets can help scientists learn a lot ... 2015 RR245 is catalogued as the "18th largest" object in the Kuiper belt, according to the Minor Planet Center, the organization ...
Pluto, discovered in 1930, was once considered the ninth planet in our solar system. In 2006, the International Astronomical Union reclassified Pluto as a dwarf planet because it doesn't meet all ...
For more information on the biggest astronomical events of 2025, check out our celestial calendar. Pluto was reclassified from a planet to a dwarf planet by the International Astronomical Union ...
While we perceive the Sun as yellow, its actual colour is white. This is because our atmosphere scatters the shorter, blue ...