Google’s decision to update email security measures for 2.5 billion Gmail users was a bold one, but can it pay off? Here’s ...
Google’s decision to update email security measures for 2.5 billion Gmail users was a bold one, but can it pay off? Here’s ...
最近,Gmail 用户面临着一场前所未有的网络安全危机。根据报道,这种攻击被认为是迄今为止最复杂的网络钓鱼攻击,甚至让一些知名的安全专家也差点中招。攻击者利用人工智能技术,伪装成 Google ...
As cybercriminals continue to refine their tactics, users need to remain cautious. By being aware of these AI-driven hacks ...
攻击者会向受害者的 Gmail 账户发送伪造的确认邮件,邮件域名看起来像是来自真正的 Google 域名,进一步增强欺骗性。攻击者最终会向受害者发送一个 Google 验证码,诱导其重置密码,从而窃取账户凭据。
据福布斯报道,近期黑客通过伪装成谷歌支持人员致电用户,称其 Google 账户被入侵并暂时封锁,还会发送来自真实 Google 域的邮件确认,甚至给出可查询到的电话号码增加可信度,诱导用户点击重置账户的代码,实则企图获取用户的 Gmail。
Sophisticated scams fueled by artificial intelligence are threatening the security of billions of Gmail users.
Google alerts 2.5 billion Gmail users to sophisticated AI-powered phishing attack combining deepfake voices and ...
在数字化日益加深的今天,网络安全问题愈显严峻,您是否曾收到过令人担忧的电话?尤其是当这通电话声称来自您熟悉的品牌,比如Google时,您会怎么做?根据《福布斯》的报道,目前全球有25亿Gmail用户正面临着利用AI技术进行的精心策划的诈骗。这些攻击者不仅使用AI技术模拟真人语音,还企图通过真实的来电显示号码加深受害者的信任。这种真实与虚假交织的诈骗手法,让无数普通用户,在面对日常生活中本应安全的数 ...
If you've been on Gmail recently, you've been introduced to Google's new AI features whether you like it or not. SOPA Images via Getty Images If you have been using your Gmail lately, you might be ...