This year's Friedrich A. von Hayek Lecture (the eighth in the series) will be given on October 24, 2012 by Robert D. Cooter, the Herman F. Selvin Professor of Law and Faculty Co-Director of the Law ...
You are able to book onto our events to deliver a talk or attend a public lecture. If you would like to hear about all our events please sign up to the research events email notifications to find out ...
This interactive class introduces students to the law relating to assisted dying, examines real-life legal cases and gets students to comment and vote on what they think doctors should do when a ...
‘Sociological jurisprudence’ is understood broadly, as encompassing any theoretical aspect of socio-legal studies, any serious effort to relate jurisprudence and legal theory to changing social and ...
The lecture, which will be under the auspices of the Law School Society of Phillips Brooks House, will be open to all members of the University. Want to keep up with breaking news? Subscribe to ...
“The Jack Pemberton lecture on workplace justice is one of the longest running lecture series at the University of San Francisco. It serves as a way to highlight our tremendous labor and employment ...
This course is offered to both Postgraduates and PhD students as well as lawyers from members of the Institute and their associates. It features lectures from leading academics and practitioners in ...