The next step in learning to distinguish major from minor is learning to hear the difference between major and minor scales. A scale is a collection of tones arranged in a particular order. This ...
The next step in learning to distinguish major from minor is learning to hear the difference between major and minor scales. A scale is a collection of tones arranged in a particular order. This ...
Harmonic minors use the relative major key signature and raise the seventh note of the scale. For example, in A harmonic minor there are no sharps or flats other than the raised seventh of G#.
Designed to be flexible, the BA allows students to double major (including in programs at CAS), and/or study abroad ... Students majoring in Performance Studies must also minor in a second area of ...
modulating to the relative major key of E♭ major for the chorus and then modulating back to C minor. The melodic minor scale is a minor scale with both the sixth and seventh notes raised by half ...
As guitarists, we’re always looking for new sounds and inspiration, and love to explore new techniques. But if you still find ...
If you are uncertain which major to choose or what you may be able to do with your major, you may: Some programs of study will require you to be a declared major or minor in order to take the ...
Students considering graduate work in economics or related disciplines should take additional mathematics courses, roughly the equivalent of a minor in mathematics. The Economics major is meant to be ...