Public records refers to information that has been filed or recorded by public agencies, such as corporate and property records. Public records are created by the federal and local government, (vital ...
The following general guidelines may be helpful for individuals interested in requesting copies of public records from state entities. If you have trouble finding a contact, get in touch with ...
The Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) is responsible for accepting, reviewing and responding to all requests for public records. Faculty and staff are not authorized to receive, grant or deny any requests ...
But after quick review, the agency’s Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) determined that there was no threat and that the records could remain public. These documents are among at least ...
However, Simple Proof’s mission is bigger than that. “We uphold the information integrity of public records,” Cordón told Bitcoin Magazine. “Elections are not really our focus. They were just the ...
A sophomore lawmaker has filed a bill proposing a dramatic rewrite of New Mexico's public records law that critics warn would have an alarming effect on government transparency and accountability. The ...