随着生物技术的不断进步,细胞生物学正朝着更细致和系统化的方向发展。Hyman博士的研究为行业揭示了生物体内复杂结构的运作机制,并提出了结合新技术进行细胞组织研究的重要性。这不仅为基本生物学的研究提供了新的视角,也可能在生物医学工程、细胞治疗等领域带来 ...
Figure 2: A model for RNAi/PTGS/quelling. Several laboratories that study C. elegans have initiated genome-wide screens, based on an RNAi approach, to identify genes essential for completion of ...
Figure 3: Roles of the Argonaute complex in miRNA and RNAi pathways. Seminal studies in C. elegans and plants have uncovered the important role carried out by Argonaute proteins in RNA silencing ...
RNAi in Plants I take exception with your claim in The Scientist1 that RNAi was first discovered in Caenorhabditis elegans. While the term "RNAi" was first coined by Fire and colleagues,2 several ...
Fire and Mello found that in C. elegans, double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) was more effective at causing uncoordinated movement of the worm than single-stranded RNA. Injecting a small amount of dsRNA ...
The roundworm C. elegans is a simple animal whose nervous system has exactly 302 neurons. Each of the connections between ...
Mackie and colleagues present a valuable comparison of lateralized gustation in two well-studied nematodes. The evidence they present that ASEL/R lateralization exists and is achieved by different ...
More information: A natural bacterial pathogen of C. elegans uses a small RNA to induce transgenerational inheritance of learned avoidance, PLoS Genetics (2024). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.
A small RNA in Pseudomonas triggers an avoidance response in C. elegans that can be passed on to the next generation, according to research presented at this week’s meeting of the American Society for ...
Areas of expertise Our research group is taking advantage of the genetic tractability and the availability of the entire genome sequence of C. elegans to gain an integrated understanding of organismal ...