and buying the add-on would cost more than the radio did. So [Todd] has set out to build an Arduino frequency counter for a Kenwood TS-520S HF ham radio. This post (and the video found after the ...
A good example comes via a project from [Scott, AJ4VD], a very simple frequency counter that uses a single 74 series chip at its business end, and counts to over 100MHz. The chip in question is a ...
as a reference to determine the frequency(fx) of the measured clock(clk_test). I plan a complete cycle for gate_a with a duration of 1.5 seconds. The first 0.25 seconds is low for resetting various ...
This is an Auto-scaled low-frequency counter, based on suggested experiment 6.5.5 of "FPGA prototyping by Verilog examples" book by Pong P. Chu. Module counter count period of si signal in ...