Over 50 thousand manuscripts are read and assessed for quality and integrity each year by Nature and the Nature research journals, but less than 10% of these papers will be selected by our highly ...
As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, but when that picture appears on the front cover of a scientific journal, that estimate is probably a little on the low side. Having a ...
Environmental Science: Atmospheres covers the full breadth of atmospheric science and links fundamental and applied research. As a gold open access journal, all the content is freely accessible.
As a student, you'll take part in the New School for Social Research's long-standing tradition of producing and disseminating distinctively rigorous and engaged scholarship. Contribute to a variety of ...
Known for rigorous, fair peer review and fast publication times, our journals publish the best science, from original research articles to authoritative reviews. From submission to peer review to ...
The journal covers a variety of medical topics. It includes fundamental research, research for the clinical sciences, and informs physicians of developments in other fields. Issues pertaining to ...