In chemistry, resonance, also called mesomerism, is a way of describing bonding in certain molecules or ions by the combination of several contributing structures (or forms, also variously known as ...
Equipped with 600 MHz and 700MHz spectrometers equipped with a salt-tolerant 13C-enhanced triple resonance cryo-probe, a 1H,13C capillary flow probe and ... including structural biology, ...
Our main instrumentation includes high field nuclear magnetic resonance, mass spectrometry and optical spectroscopic instruments. Our primary focus concerns small molecule synthetic organic ...
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Density Functional Theory (DFT) are powerful analytical tools widely used in chemical analysis to study molecular structures and dynamics. NMR provides ...
NMR spectroscopy is among the most powerful analytical techniques for the elucidation of chemical structure. It has the capability of providing detailed ... “TCI Cryo Probe is a proton-optimized ...
This NMR Facility has capabilities for solution-state, solid-state, gaseous-state, rheo, diffusion, and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). A short introduction to NMR spectroscopy can be found here.
Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) is a phenomenon that occurs when light interacts with conductive ... LSPR-based sensors have emerged as powerful tools for label-free detection of ...