Lemurs may have floated there eons ago on “rafts” of vegetation and evolved in isolation over countless centuries. Ring-tailed lemurs are unmistakable because of their long, vividly striped ...
Our review of Flow, a breathtaking animated masterpiece about a cat's journey to survive that's better than anything Disney ...
Ring-tailed lemurs have a black and white striped tail which is longer than their whole body! They use their tails to communicate and for balance. Ring-tailed lemurs eat fruits, flowers ...
The ring-tailed lemur is an endangered species. Before people arrived in Madagascar around 2,000 years ago, the island was covered by forests. Today, approximately 80% of that forest land is gone.
When an endangered ring-tailed lemur turned up in Houston's Bear Creek ... “Probably, the biggest part of the issue is that these guys are as cute as can be," he said. "But unfortunately ...
Given the threat to lemurs in the wild, it is essential to determine how human-induced habitat change is affecting their health. In 2003 a survey on the health and disease ecology of wild ring-tailed ...
Caption A research team led by the University of Tokyo analyzed the odors that male ring-tailed lemurs use when stink flirting with females. The odor molecules they identified could be the first ...
I got plenty of interesting poses by the lemurs, which were super cute and fun to shoot. I will talk about ring-tailed lemurs ...
Ring-tailed lemurs look different! They retain a number of primitive mammalian traits. For example: Reflective tapetum lucidum, which is a layer of cells in the wall of the eye that reflects light ...