During the lockdown when everyone was simply under house arrest, Salman Khan was enjoying leisure time in his Panvel farmhouse. Named Arpita Farms, after his beloved sister Arpita Khan Sharma ...
Days after the firing incident outside Salman Khan's residence in Bandra, Mumbai, it has been reported that the superstar is 'seriously considering' moving to his Panvel farmhouse 'permanently'.
A high-tech CCTV camera has been installed in front of the building to detect any suspicious movement and also razor wire fencing is being put around it, say police ...
Mumbai, May 12 () Superstar Salman Khan on Tuesday released his latest romantic single "Tere Bina" featuring Jacqueline Fernandez while in quarantine at his Panvel farm house. The actor ...
Superstar Salman Khan is not taking chances. He is now beefing up security at his sea-facing apartment in Galaxy building in Bandra (W) by installing bullet proof glass panels to protect his balcony.
The clip captures some cute snippets of Toro at Salman Khan's Panvel farmhouse. The pet's hilarious antics and playfulness will indeed tug at your heartstrings. His bond with Iulia Vantur is hard ...