Created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane, Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane debuted in DC Comics in 1941's World's Finest Comics #3. The Batman villain is known for using a drug called "fear toxin" to terrorize ...
Fans were hoping that Dr. Rush would be the Matt Reeves’ Batman universe’s iteration of the iconic DC Comics villain. But if he eventually appears, it will be someone else. The Scarecrow first ...
The DC Comics superhero series is a live-action adaptation ... Season three introduces new but familiar villains, like Scarecrow, in the foreboding metropolitan area commonly associated with ...
As the new kingpin of Gotham City, Oz outmaneuvered the likes of Sal Maroni (Clancy Brown) — a rival gangster who caused Harvey Dent’s transformation into Two-Face in the comics — and Sofia ...
A very popular fan theory during the run of The Penguin on HBO was that Sofia Falcone’s psychiatrist at Arkham, Dr. Julian Rush (Theo Rossi), was actually going to turn out to be Batman villain the ...