Smith's colourful and sophisticated geological map was based on his astute observation that rock layers (strata) could be identified by the fossils they contain. He noticed that the layers always ...
Sedimentary Petrography: with Special Reference to Petrographic Methods of Correlation of Strata and to Subsurface Oil Geology. Henry B. Milner. Second (revised and complete) edition. Pp.
Geological maps indicate the distribution of strata and rocks under the ground, and have been created as basic maps for resource development and national land use. In recent years, such maps have also ...
In the Georgia Basin, my students and I have developed and continue to refine a genetic stratigraphic framework for strata therein. We have used this framework to reconstruct ... Hutchison Medal ...
Her main research interests are in sedimentology, stratigraphy, geochemistry and archaeological geology of carbonate deposits. Her numerous research projects range from investigating Cambrian strata ...