Presentations have become more sophisticated in recent years, incorporating multimedia and other functionalities, but the most common type still involves students presenting with slides as visual aids ...
BKC’s Student Programs team serves as a conduit channeling student energy toward enrichment and educational offerings provided by the Berkman Klein Center. Our engagement opportunities range from ...
Education Week asked our social media followers how (or if) they ease students back into school after the winter break. Here’s a collection of their responses, which have been lightly edited for ...
Vice-President (Operations) candidate Elena Nurzynski has a “hands-on” vision for the AMS’s 11 services.Running on a platform centred on strengthening ties between undergraduate students and the AMS, ...
Boston College participates in the National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement conducted by the Institute for Democracy & Higher Education at Tufts University. According to the most recent ...