with mature sunflowers generally facing east. Heliotropism is the scientific term for this incredible process where flowers move in response to the sun's movement. Just like humans, plants have ...
Sunflowers famously turn their faces to follow the sun as it crosses the sky. But how do sunflowers “see” the sun to follow it? New work from plant biologists at UC Davis, published Oct.
2 Sunflowers are an especially good species to study because they are so big and move so dramatically. In an earlier study, her team found that in the morning, when the sun is still to the east, cells ...
SmartFlower was inspired by the heliotropic properties of the sunflower. Heliotropism is when plants move in response to the direction of the sun. Like a sunflower, the SmartFlower opens its ...
The U.S. defense secretary at the time said something along the lines of, “We planted sunflowers here and the sun started shining again.” Hearing his words, I thought about the possibility of ...