Hinduism, one of the world's oldest spiritual traditions, is profoundly based in ancient writings. The 18 Mahāpurāṇas are ...
Shiva’s Curse A famous tale from the Shiva Purana explains Brahma’s sparse worship. Brahma and Vishnu once argued over who was superior. To resolve the dispute, Shiva manifested as an infinite ...
The story of Gudi is associated to the Brahma Purana that speaks of it as the 'flag' of Lord Brahma that was placed after He created the world. In many historical tales, 'gudi' is also associated with ...
(Bhagavata Purana 3.11.19)” Time passes in immensely ... The current yuga will last millions of years. “One day of Brahma lasts a thousand cycles of the four ages and his night also extends ...