Of the five transistors inside, some were alloyed transistors, and some were grown crystals. The factory had to hand-select crystal transistors to make each unit work. The radios were on sale for ...
The first transistor was about half an inch high ... It is exquisitely sensitive to how many extra or missing electrons are inside. Each time the input signal shoves more holes into the germanium ...
So What Was the Transistor Good For? Transistors may have been useful to the phone company and to a handful of scientists building computers, but that wasn't enough to build an industry.
Semiconductor devices called transistors are the tiny electronic switches that run computations inside our computers. Scientists in the US built the first silicon transistor in 1947. Before that ...
Currently, this sensing data is processed from a distance, through yards of cable connected to electronics with silicon-based transistors. "Our work makes measuring the conditions inside an ...
Transistor: A transistor is an electronic switch ... The tiles (also called chiplets) are the core components of chips inside the gear you use every day. Interposer: A silicon substrate that ...