每年冬天,芬兰的城市都会举办灯光节,展示芬兰和国际艺术家的作品。你可以从我们的视频中了解其魅力。 芬兰的夏日悠长而明亮,而冬夜却漫长而黑暗——这使其成为令人惊叹的灯光艺术的完美背景。展示内容包括发光的桥梁、建筑、雕塑,以及根据场地 ...
Chaque année, les universités finlandaises accueillent des milliers d’étudiants d’échange venus du monde entier. Ils ...
Drei Austauschstudenten berichten über ihre Universitätserfahrung in Finnland. Zum akademischen Leben gehören eine Vielzahl ...
Yılmaz, who studies industrial engineering at MEF University in Istanbul, chose an exchange at the Lappeenranta campus of ...
Six acts are competing to represent Finland in the 2025 Eurovision Song Contest. They range from alt-pop to metalcore.
What does a country sound like? Finland set out to answer this question by becoming the first nation in the world to create an official national soundscape. Plug in, press play and experience Finland ...
Un comportamiento civilizado: nada nos gustaría más en los tiempos que corren. En finés tenemos una preciosa palabra que expresa esa idea: sivistys. Pero, ¿cómo se pronuncia? ¡Pues con una sonrisa! Y ...
The northernmost country in the EU, Finland chairs the Arctic Council from May 2017 to May 2019. Show your Arctic snow-how and enhance your messages with these entertaining, educational, endearing ...
What sports do they watch in Finland? What classes do they attend? How much do they travel? How much volunteer work do they do? These stats give you the answers.
Tous les hivers, les villes finlandaises brillent de tous les feux de fêtes des lumières où sont présentées des installations ...