总的来说,Behringer此次推出的Vocoder ...
经过了一年多,Behringer 终于上架了声码器模块产品 VOCODER VC16,而且居然这次 Behringer 没有对标像素级「致敬」经典产品。 这款产品与之前曝光的信息如出一辙,搭载 16 ...
The phase vocoder is an effective tool for the manipulation of the duration or the pitch of a sound file. Each of these transformations may be made independent of one another meaning pitch may be ...
The chances are, you were listening to an instrument known as a vocoder, which combines synthesis and vocals to create that classic robot voice. This is the beginning of a production story that ...
The MELP (Mixed-Excitation Linear Predictive) Vocoder Algorithm is the 2400 bps Federal Standard speech coder. The selection test concentrated on four areas: intelligibility, voice quality, talker ...