For those who love extreme adventure or those who can handle extreme situations like camping with only the most basic of facilities (and that eliminates moi here), Mark Burnett (yes the Survivor ...
One of the great things about Swarovski is that the jewelry from the brand is very affordable while still being on trend (or ahead of trend). Definitely, check out the Swarovski website and scope out ...
Most of the time, I get pitched stories by PR firms or brands or I run across something that I have fallen in love with — and I fall in love a lot. That’s what fashionistas do– fall in love with some ...
“The 2020 collection is all about a refresh for us. We went back to our roots and the laid-back beach girl who is the core of our brand to develop this season’s looks. You will see many of our classic ...
Women accomplish a lot in their daily lives. Whether married or single, the role they play as sisters, daughter, wives/partner and friends as well as working women is quite a large undertaking. Some ...
On Mother’s Day, let’s think about what it took all the great entrepreneurs to have the confidence, competitive drive, and resilience to start a company or non-profit. How did these self-starters get ...
This Friday, take a trip to Italy from the comfort of your home with the premiere of “From Scratch” on Netflix. Starring Zoe Saldaña, this new series follows an artist’s story of finding romance with ...
Ellen Pompeo eats a healthy diet despite her busy schedule by preparing meals in advance. Ellen says “On Sundays, I pre-make everything for salads. I boil a dozen eggs and parboil beets. I chop ...
to Raise Funds for R.E.S.T.O.R.E. Worldwide: The Foundation for Reconstructive Surgery Charity Event Raises Funds for Upcoming “Tour de R.E.S.T.O.R.E” ...
Every year hundreds of women and men set out to make it to the sidelines of a pro sports game and the chosen few make the team. The key to their success is a combination of nurtured skills in dance, ...
Here is a fun cocktail from Mr. Purple (an up-scale restaurant in NYC) Toucan Sam features NOLET’S Silver Gin and FRUIT LOOPS in the recipe!! The cocktail can be found on-menu at Mr. Purple. I curate ...
Mark Wain and Gary Chau, pioneers of L.A.’s third wave coffee movement and owners of Caffe Luxxe, are excited to have opened their highly-coveted coffee and lifestyle brand in Long Beach today, ...