Audubon delivers essential news, advice, and reporting on birds and bird conservation. Pairing compelling journalism with stunning photography and design, each quarterly issue helps readers grow their ...
In exchange for downloading this Birds of america print in glorious high-resolution, perhaps you'd consider signing up for our monthly newsletter, Wingspan. You'll be the first to hear about ...
The incredible Painted Redstart, a specialty of the southwestern mountains, is perhaps the most beautiful of the warblers. It almost seems to be consciously showing off as it flits through the oaks, ...
This elegant Mexican sparrow was never found in our area until the late 1950s. It is now known to be a rare and local nesting bird in several canyons in southern Arizona, but no one knows if it was ...
Resident along the coastlines of northeastern Asia, this big gull is a regular summer visitor to western Alaska, usually in small numbers. In winter, it has appeared as a rare stray at widely ...
The smallest of its family, the Red-throated also breeds farther north than any other loon, reaching the northernmost coast of Greenland. It may nest at very small ponds, doing much of its feeding at ...
This Eurasian species, rare in our area, is similar to Black Tern and usually associates with it. Most often seen with flocks of migrant Black Terns on the Atlantic Coast in late summer. It has also ...
A small, long-tailed bird of arid southwestern hills, the Black-chinned Sparrow is quite localized and sometimes overlooked. It often nests on steep hillsides covered with dense low scrub, areas that ...
A denizen of the arid southwest, the Lesser Nighthawk flies low over deserts and grasslands at dusk, capturing insects in flight. Very similar to the more widespread Common Nighthawk, but it is a much ...
Many of the dabbling ducks use their flat bills to strain food items from the water, but the big spatulate bill of the Northern Shoveler is adapted to take this habit to the extreme. Flocks of ...