Around one third of babies are born by c-section in Australia. Interestingly, the c-section rate in public hospitals is 28 percent, and in private hospitals it’s 44 percent (15 percent is the ...
A nuchal cord or a cord around the neck — is one of many things mothers-to-be fear about childbirth. The thought of your baby being ‘strangled’ by the umbilical cord can cause so much worry.
Another important reason to hibernate is to minimise the chances your newborn baby will be exposed to whooping cough (currently in an outbreak year) and other germs. Babies have immature immune ...
Yvette ODowd has been a breastfeeding counsellor and educator since 1992. She has three adult children and a two year old granddaughter - the best sort of bonus baby! Yvette runs a popular natural ...
Nipple pain is a common breastfeeding problem, especially in the early weeks. Most mothers overcome early nipple pain and go on to breastfeed for many months or even years. There are many causes of ...
As you approach the end of pregnancy you might be wondering how your baby will breathe during labor or birth. Especially as he passes through the narrow birth canal. This article will explain it all ...
There are occasions when mothers may have used some formula supplementation, particularly in the early weeks, and then decide they want to wean off formula from their baby. This is certainly possible ...