The name of this domus comes from the fact that some authors once associated one of its mosaics with the cult of Mithras, a ...
In 1989, the Roman archaeologist and topographer Filippo Coarelli advanced the daring hypothesis that the proprietor of the Casa di Apuleio at Ostia was the same person as Apuleius of Madauros, the ...
The pater Aulus Aemilianus Antoninus dedicated an altar to Cautes in the Mitreo delle Pareti Dipinte. This small white marble cippus bears an inscription of a certain Pater Antoninus to Cautes. A(ulus ...
From the Mitreo Fagan, Ostia, we know of his activity. He was a priest who achieved the highest grade of initiation. The dedication of an excellent marble leontocephalic statue shows that he ...
This relief of Mithras as a bullkiller was found in Golubić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, near a cementery. Aure/lius / Ma/ximus /Pant[a]die/[nus].
Soldier recruited in Arausio (Orange), emeritus of the Legion II Augusta. Arausio was the name for Orange, in southern France, and the Legio II Augusta was particularly associated with the town. It ...
Centurion of the Legio VII Gemina Antoniana Pia Felix who erected the only known mithraeum at Lucus Augusti to date. Gaius Victorius Victorinus was a centurion of Legion VII who collected taxes in ...
Son of Aurelius Victor Augentius, grandson of Nonius Victor Olympius, and elder brother of Emlianus. He built temples for worship around 382-383.
The altar that now stands in Split was dedicated to Invincible Mithras for the health of a dear friend. D(eo) inv(icto) Mlithrael / L(ucius) Corn(elius) Apalaus/tus ...
Scholar, politician and a court astrologer to the Roman emperors Claudius, Nero and Vespasian. Ti. Claudius Balbillus was both the leading astrologer of the period in Rome and related by marriage, ...
Hector Corneliorum would be a slave or oriental freedman of some family of the gens Cornelia. He appears in an epigraph corresponding to the epitaph of his wife, a free woman of 37 years, which allows ...
Aulus Cluentius Habitus belonged to a prominent family in Larinum, now Larino, southern Italy. In 76 BC, an eponymous relative was subject of a Roman cause célèbre. He accused his stepfather ...