Bureau Local is a people-powered network setting the news agenda and sparking change, from the ground up. It includes journalists, technologists, community-minded citizens and specialist contributors ...
MPs have called on the UK government to open an investigation into the unpaid taxes of Roman Abramovich following this week’s revelations by TBIJ. Our joint investigation with the BBC and the Guardian ...
The Bureau Local team – listed alphabetically below – combine years of experience in local, national and international reporting with data journalism and community engagement backgrounds. Gareth is an ...
Bureau Local is a people-powered network setting the news agenda and sparking change, from the ground up. We have set out to make sure news is working for everyone and to do so, we’ve been changing ...
TBIJ co-publishes its stories with major media outlets around the world so they reach as many people as possible. As of today, journalists and legal bloggers will be able to report on family court ...