(Related Article) The Antarctic summer runs from November through March, when the sun is out 24-hours per day and temperatures hover around -18°C (0°F) – a relative balmy environment on the ...
The campaign took place over the most recent Antarctic summer between mid-November to mid-January. Overall, experts from 12 European scientific institutions have spent more than 200 days drilling ...
Thus, the official decision was made to function under the New Zealand Time Zone. Antarctica observes only two seasons: summer and winter. These seasons are often marked by a change in daylight ...
Researchers collected the core during the fourth campaign of the Beyond EPICA — Oldest Ice project, funded by the European Commission. The campaign took place over the most recent Antarctic summer ...
marking the end of the BAS Antarctic summer field season. The ship completed its maiden voyage successfully and returns to the UK after a seven-month mission to deliver scientific and operational ...
Argentina launched this week its Antarctica Summer Campaign 2018/19. The re furbished icebreaker is scheduled to develop an intense scientific activity, supply Argentina's bases and stations and ...