The Nose Knows: Nasal Swab Detects Asthma Type in Kids Jan. 2, 2025 — A new, non-invasive nasal swab test for kids that diagnoses specific asthma subtype, or endotype, could help clinicians ...
Quick-relief medications should only be used on an as-needed basis. Anticholinergic drugs act as a bronchodilator and are often used in combination with SABAs in the acute treatment of asthma symptoms ...
Severe and uncontrolled asthma could also mean increased time in the hospital or emergency department and more medical appointments, which could cause you to miss work, school, or other activities. Background This study illustrates the potential of using emergency department attendance data, routinely accessed as part of a national syndromic surveillance system, to monitor the impact ...
These are generic asana practices and not to be construed as any medical or professional advice. The foundation of all yoga asanas, Sukhasana focuses on breathing control and is great for asthma ...