If you've learned anything about attachment theory, you know that the four attachment styles have major impacts on relationships. But, according to one expert, they even impact the small details ...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter. Put a finger down if you’ve been villainized (or victimized) by your situation-ship who refuses to commit to you, but ...
An attachment style is the attitude or pattern of behavior you display when connecting with others. Your earliest interactions with your parents or other main caretakers shape your attachment ...
One component of this is your attachment style, which researchers first examined in a 1969 experiment called the Strange Situation led by psychologist Mary Ainsworth, PhD. Ainsworth's attachment ...
Ever wondered why opposites often seem to attract, especially in relationships? It’s common to see individuals with anxious attachment styles pairing up with those who have avoidant tendencies. But ...
She joined us to help us dive into what attachment styles are and why it might benefit you to understand your own.
And parents who become aware of the pitfalls of their own style and how it may affect their ... them internalize belief in themselves. What is attachment parenting? Attachment parenting, a term ...