Hyderabad: The Gudimalkapur police solved the murder case of G Arun Kumar, a daily wage worker from Bhojagutta, which occurred on Wednesday and arrested two persons in connection with the case on ...
The mystery surrounding the murder of Golam Rabbani Tipu, former Khulna ward councillor and a local Swechasebak League leader, in Cox's Bazar by motorbike-riding gunmen has intensified in the 24 hours ...
The reasons for not charging a police sergeant accused of performing the Nazi salute twice remain a mystery, as a Jewish community figure demands answers.
But the cause of the rapidly wearing wheels remains a mystery — and it’s expected to affect the cars borrowed from other lines soon enough. Multiple sources with knowledge of the problem told ...
Barclays has been criticised for paying mystery shoppers to pretend to be blind or deaf in an attempt to test the response of branch staff. The National Federation of the Blind of the UK (NFBUK ...
In the series, they’re pulled into a mystery that has some connection to teenagers who vanished in 1994. They befriend others from Gravesend, Brooklyn, where their dad is a botany professor.
Despite an extensive investigation lasting several months, his identity and the circumstances of his death remained a mystery. He was eventually buried without being identified. However ...