Shrek the Musical will be at Number 8 from Friday 21 to Saturday, February 22. The show, presented by PODYS, follows Shrek's quest to save his swamp from invading fairy tale characters. Shrek strikes ...
"I’ve always loved the 'Shrek' movies and the theme felt nostalgic, fun and unexpected," the bride-to-be tells PEOPLE Courtesy of Aileen Garza A bride-to-be had a Shrek-themed bachelorette party.
Mike Myers, the voice of Shrek, is also returning, continuing his enthusiastic support for the series. Cameron Diaz, who had previously stepped back from acting, will return as Princess Fiona ...
The sparse crowd was mostly millennials, all in costume. There were Shreks, a Donkey or two, many, many Lord Farquads and at least one ugly stepsister. At least two packs of blind mice were grouped on ...