Thus, the invasion of garter snakes can cut down the use of chemical pesticides and is a natural way of killing pests in the garden. While garter snakes are shy and avoid human contact ...
Garter snakes are named for their resemblance to ... One of these snakes is a common garden companion, keeps pests at bay, ...
The narrow-headed garter snake is a nonvenomous snake found in and near the cool, clear headwater streams of the U.S. Southwest. With its stripeless, grayish-colored body, it has been called “drab” in ...
The giant garter snake is one of North America's largest native snakes, reaching up to 64 inches in length and endemic to California's Central Valley, where it originally inhabited natural wetlands.
Each spring as the sun begins to warm the land, the largest gathering of snakes in the world emerges from their underground lairs in Narcisse, Manitoba. They have one thing on their mind - mating.