Edging—it’s more than just a term thrown around on forums. If you’ve come across claims that it can help ramp up testosterone levels, you’re not alone. The idea sounds interesting, but is there any ...
Weeds are simply plants growing in the wrong places, but they can be unsightly when popping up on the driveway or patio. Not only can they become a slip hazard in the winter months, but they can ...
They make an attractive edging for a herb or vegetable bed with ... You could also try using a gravel mulch, nematodes as a biological control or sticky fly traps.
When you live in a snowy winter, it’s inevitable that you will have to remove snow from your driveway sooner or later. The job gets a bit trickier when you have a gravel driveway because you can just ...
The Crisman family, shown here in August 2021, has been fighting Hillman Township to maintain the road to their home for years. A district court hearing this week will determine whether the road ...
We couldn't resist trying to cleanup this HUGE Patio with overgrown grass and gravel in 105 degree heat! It was full of weeds, gravel and we even found a hidden sidewalk of beautiful rocks. Wait ...
Nothing is more frustrating than clearing snow from your driveway only to have the municipal plow leave a wall of dirty snow, blocking your access to the street. Argh. But where else is the snow ...
The zoning of your property will dictate how wide your driveway can be and the minimum landscaped soft area required. To find your zone, check the zoning restrictions for your property using the find ...