TIANJIN, Feb. 2 (Xinhua) -- In a studio adorned with antique charm in north China's Tianjin Municipality, Zhang Yu delicately rotated the clay sculpture with his left hand while skillfully carving ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.
The China Night, an official series of events of the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2025 Annual Meeting, was held in Davos on January 22, Swiss time. As one of the key events of the WEF, this year's China ...
近日,中国科学技术大学工程科学学院/人形机器人研究院张世武教授、王柳特任教授、金虎副教授与孙帅帅特任教授成功研发了一种具备19自由度的轻质仿生灵巧手,能够复现人手级别的功能,有望服务全球上千万上肢截肢患者的手部功能重建与日常生活辅助,并应用于人形机器人灵巧操作。相关成果1月22日以"A lightweight prosthetic hand with 19-DOF dexterity and hu ...