SeraSeal™, the world's first and only primary hemostatic agent, has been approved for use in trauma and emergency bleed ...
Chandigarh [India], February 28: SeraSeal™, the world’s first and only primary hemostatic agent ... foams, trauma dressings, and surgical sponges. With no preparation required, SeraSeal™ allows for ...
This study was performed at the Shimane Medical University Hospital and the Shimane Prefectural Central Hospital, located in Izumo City (a mid-sized city in western Japan), which cover more than ...
Background Acute variceal bleeding (AVB) requires early therapeutic management by experienced endoscopists that often poses logistical challenges for hospitals. We assessed a different management ...
Brain vasculature is sensitive to arterial CO2, which means that as CO2 decreases, brain arterials will constrict, leading to decreased brain blood volume. Although this sounds good when you’re ...
Aim This study aimed to evaluate the millimeter distances and active tip diameters of different periodontal probes. Methods Two types of periodontal probes were analyzed (North Carolina (15-UNC) and ...