Like a winter squall, expert witness Ron Harmon of Havre, Mont., blew into the state legislature in Montana this week to present some cold hard facts on a turbulent issue. The issue is the right ...
Vintage and classic machinery enthusiast, and dairy farmer Reece Houghton was brought up on a dairy farm with one sister and ...
As a college offering the John Deere Tech Program, Owens Community College uses modern John Deere equipment to provide ...
If you don't own a John Deere tractor, you most likely know someone ... It's not a budget-oriented brand and prides itself on being the biggest, best, and well-equipped. That means it would ...
Linda Cranmer had three words to describe her father, Lou Heasley: “bigger than life.” Both figuratively and physically. “He ...
When an ambitious person has little or nothing, the ability to create and innovate is a Godsend. In Vermont, we have never been blessed with abundance, yet our brave little ...
I looked around the cafe, saw that the rancher’s table was filled and then noticed there was a seat at the farmer’s table, so ...
Daedong Corp., South Korea’s leading tractor and farm machinery maker, has ended its two-decade-long partnership with Deere & ...
Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes joined a lawsuit against John Deere for “monopolizing key segments of the agricultural ...