Japanese mobile game Monster Strike recently launched an in-game collaboration event with the Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind anime. But rather than the crossover itself, it’s the ad announcing ...
President Trump and Elon Musk, two powerful figures, were initially united for the cameras and the "greater good," but their ...
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Alright, we always end up loving the side characters. While they may technically be part of the main cast of movies and TV shows, they are not the main characters that we are all supposed to follow.
JoJo Siwa Smiles as She Picks Up Rumored Love Interest Kath Ebbs at LAX After Dakayla Wilson Breakup After Siwa is knocked down by her initial opponent, a Cleopatra-esque character runs out to ...
Meta is deleting its AI characters off of Facebook and Instagram. Screenshots of unflattering conversations with Meta's original AI characters started surfacing online. Users can still create ...