In Bharuch, a 32-year-old man died due to kite thread injuries on Wednesday. Sanjay Patanwadiya was going on his two-wheeler near Nabipur town when a kite thread cut his throat. He was shifted to ...
After the incident where a youth throat got slit after getting tangled in Kite ... In the coming days, the festival of kites, Makar Sankranti, will be celebrated. In such a situation, like every year, ...
In an eerie coincidence, the victim had experienced a similar accident on the same bridge two years ago. The kite string left a deep cut in his throat. Witnesses at the scene saw him bleeding and ...
2. Clean up after flying kites. Throw away all the leftover threads in a dustbin. 3. Don’t try to cut the thread if a bird is stuck. It can make the injury worse. Call for help from animal helpers.