Now that lent is here, let’s have a cleanse. Get outside. Practice celibacy. Focus on yourself. Besides, you can always try ...
The position is contained in a statement personally signed by the President on Thursday to extend his heartfelt wishes to all ...
Lent is marked by fasting and abstinence, and during this time, many people give up something that they love, such as their ...
Look no further for places in the Mid-Michigan area for fish fries during Lent! If you have more suggestions please email ...
Clawson's Knights of Columbus has cancelled its popular fish fry that offered a buffet of items because its hall is being ...
# The days of Lent are like a mini-pilgrimage, a retreat, a time for spiritual exercises, prayer and practices in preparation for the celebration of Easter and rebirth. We are forever leaning how to ...
As it has done for the last several years, St. Hugh of Lincoln Episcopal Church in Elgin has offered Christians a unique way ...
According to, a software company that tracks foot traffic data for major corporations, foot traffic at Target ...
The pope on Wednesday marked the start of Lent by receiving ashes on his forehead and by calling the parish priest in Gaza, ...