It may have passed you by, but World Spay Day took place this week – on February 25 to be exact. Whist Spay Day itself may ...
One common concern many pet parents have is whether spaying or neutering their pets will affect their behaviour.
Males that perform better have a higher chance of mating. Lead author Dr. Ivan Vinogradov said male mosquitofish likely evolved better cognitive abilities over time because of the advantage it ...
13, 2025 — Researchers have uncovered new insights into the evolution of bird behavior, revealing why certain mating systems persist while others disappear over ... Fishy Business: Male Medaka ...
When your dog goes into heat, it starts to behave strangely. What does it mean for a dog to go into heat, what are the ...
While the word flehmen means “to curl the lip,” when cats flehmen, they’re not able to curl their upper lips like horses do.
Learn everything you need to know about cat neutering during 'Spay and Neutering Awareness Month'. Find guidance on the process, benefits, and costs.
According to the team, the narwhals showed remarkable dexterity, precision, and speed of movement of the tusk. They also ...