It becomes more difficult to retain the data in floating-gates and thus requires more process steps and more masks to construct a robust memory cell structure. Therefore, emerging technologies like ...
MRAM, however, uses magnetic states to store ... The research team tackled this challenge by creating a specialized layered structure combining a magnetic material called Co2FeSi with a ...
“The emergence of embedded magnetic random-access memory (MRAM) and its integration in mainstream semiconductor manufacturing technology have created an unprecedented opportunity for engineering ...
Magnetoresistive RAM (MRAM) is one such memory type which offers several advantages over conventional RAM, including its non-volatility, high speed, increased storage capacity and enhanced endurance.
GRENOBLE, France, June 16, 20006-- Crocus Technology, a company focusing on Magnetic Random Access Memories (MRAM), today announced the closing of its Series A round of funding totaling $17 million.