2024年全球运动品牌阿迪达斯与瑞士专业运动品牌昂跑(On)相继发布最新财报,展现出行业复苏与结构性增长的双重趋势。阿迪达斯全年营收236.83亿欧元(同比增长10.53%),其中第四季度营收59.65亿欧元(同增23.99%),大中华区连续7个季度正增长;昂跑全年销售额按固定汇率增长33%至23.18亿瑞士法郎,亚太市场收入第四季度暴涨124.6%。两大品牌通过产品创新、供应链优化及本土化战略实 ...
Brazilian choreographer Cassi Abranches has two current shows set to live music. One is the ongoing tour of “Black Sabbath — ...
Chances are, if you think of a Vans sneaker, you're likely picturing a shoe equipped with a relatively thick vulcanized ...
Adidas has huge price cuts up to 50% off on sneakers for men and women, including many styles that are similar to those ...
LEWISTON — City staff is proposing to install a 10-foot security fence around the entire Franklin Pasture athletic complex as ...
Subtle hand signs coordinate the hundreds of pounding drummers in each of Rio de Janeiro's glitzy Carnival parades.
Unidos da Tijuca's theme is Logun Edé, the star’s orisha — a deity in Afro-Brazilian religions that represents a force of ...