Sailing through the wild beauty of Arctic Norway, we never expected a journey quite like this! From spotting majestic ...
Every wondered why polar bears don't freeze in the extreme temperatures of the Arctic? Well, scientists finally have the ...
The police in New Haven, Conn., found a young seal wandering the streets and aided in its rescue. “Maybe we should just start keeping mackerel in the cruisers,” one officer suggested.
AN Arctic creature made a very rare appearance in the Firth of Forth recently. A ringed seal was seen near Skinflats Lagoons ...
As the planet heats up, the summer sea ice and all the superbly adapted life it supports—the bears, the seals, the walruses, the whales, the Arctic cod, the crustaceans, the ice algae—may well ...
DESCRIPTION: Ringed seals, the most widespread Arctic marine mammal, have plump bodies decorated with prominent gray-white rings scattered across a light or dark gray coat. Adults vary widely in size ...
Hughes took part in the Inuit community’s annual ice fishing competition for arctic char. Seal hunting is an essential part of life for the Inuit. The skin, like this one from a recent kill ...
ANCHORAGE, Alaska— The Center for Biological Diversity filed a motion today to intervene in a lawsuit regarding protections for the Arctic ringed seal. The intervention seeks to defend the federal ...
Global sea ice cover reached a historic low in February, Europe's climate monitor has said, with temperatures spiking up to ...