It also utilizes water more efficiently than corn and has high biomass yields. “One limitation to sorghum silage fed to cattle is the digestibility is generally less than that of corn ...
If increased height is associated with higher grain yield, then why are growers reluctant to plant taller hybrids?
Where does sorghum grow? Mainly, the southern plains, correct? Over the past two years, an Idaho farmer has won the contest for the highest sorghum yields. AgDay’s national reporter Betsy Jibben ...
Sorghum-sudangrass hybrids can also be used for silage but will have less grain in the silage. They will also have lower yields than forage sorghum but can be swathed and harvested earlier to allow ...
Harvesting a sorghum field for yield trials conducted each year by Iowa State to evaluate ... release several new sorghum cultivars that promise high-yielding, nutritious forage for beef and dairy ...
Sorghum-sudangrass and Italian ryegrass were among the lowest-yielding treatments (Figure 2). Figure 2: Average total dry matter yields from annual forage species in Rosemount (2014). At the first ...
Raising BMR sorghum sudangrass (BMR SxS ... Lower susceptibility to drought conditions than corn silage, because yield and quality do not depend on grain fill. 8. Double-cropping with winter ...
BMR sorghum-sudangrass has increased in popularity due to ... With this grass, you’ll have high yield with competitive forage quality, and will have rapid growth for 9 to 12 weeks. The seed is very, ...
Forage sorghum can compete with corn, according to agronomist Robert Lemon. Lemon spoke Sunday at an AgConnect Dairy Seminar here in Atlanta. “It’s all about forage palatability, digestibility and ...
Yield, at 76.0 bushels per acre, is down 14.0 bushels from a year earlier. Area harvested for grain, at 305,000 acres, is up 9% from 2023. Sorghum for silage production is 748,000 tons, up 92% from ...
Dr Akhil Verma Sorghum is the ‘King of Millets’ and a dual-purpose crop mainly grown for its grain and fodder, it is also known by various vernacular names such as great millet, jowar, charri etc.