Throughout its run, Survivor has been nominated for nearly 70 Emmy Awards — with host Jeff Probst winning five Emmys himself.
Everyone wants to get first place when they play "Survivor," but someone also has to be the first one out. Here, we pay our respects to those who were cut loose just as the game got going.
fan-favorite contestants like Cirie Fields and Ozzy Lusth. With her radiant smile and winning personality, Morgan Ricke seemed destined to go far in Survivor: Ghost Island. Immediately ...
Brenda Moberg is planning a memorial service for her husband this summer but the Canada Pension Plan won’t pay her survivor benefits until she can prove to them he is dead. *Billed as $4 plus ...
Do you want to get some free stuff in and kill lots of enemies with ease? Then look no further because we've got all the working codes for you. We will give you a list of all ...
For exclusive news and updates, subscribe to our Survivor Newsletter: The tribe has spoken for over 40 seasons. Now, the fans will. Survivor is saying a big thank you to fans for Season 50.
“Survivor” contestants have been jetting off ... behind closed doors when you’re with your best friend, or your husband, or your wife, or you’re just having fun and laughing and telling ...